This survey follows on from our ‘snapshot’ survey conducted in May 2018, created to evidence the current situation and the difficulties parents are experiencing.
The May 2018 survey received 1,661 responses in one week; this survey received 714 responses and was cut short by the Coronavirus pandemic in March 2020. We recognise that the situation in schools and SEND services and provision has altered significantly since March 2020, however it is still important that we raise awareness of the issues that exist in regard to school attendance difficulties.
This report provides details of the 2020 survey findings and compares it, wherever possible, to the 2018 survey. Some questions differ, and the current survey aims to provide more detail in specific areas. As before, we have included a large number of comments made by parents in the survey as they all have a valid voice that needs to be heard and the comments and descriptions illustrate the situation much more vividly than any other data source.
In May 2018 we devised a simple survey to gather data from parents in our Facebook group, and in other parent support groups on Facebook. Our aim was to create a snapshot of the current situation and illustrate the difficulties parents are experiencing.
The survey was shared on social media for one week and received 1,661 responses during that time.
In May 2018 we shared a brief survey within our social media groups to collect data about the outcomes of complaints made by parents/carers about schools and local authorities.
We aimed to find out whether the current complaint processes are effective and adequate in helping parents/carers to resolve these difficulties. We also aimed to evaluate whether schools and local authorities are correctly following complaints policies and guidance.
It is often very difficult for parents to obtain the medical evidence required to authorise absences quickly, which can mean that they are threatened with being fined and prosecuted for their child's school absence AND their child is left without an education or support.
This survey explores parent's experiences of this situation to help us obtain a clearer picture of the difficulties.
Our education system gives schools and local authorities a great deal of autonomy to apply rules and regulations and to interpret Department for Education (DfE) guidelines as they see fit. Any complaints to schools and Local Authorities (LA) are generally investigated internally.
In a snapshot survey conducted in May 2018, NFIS members told us: only 5% of parents were satisfied with the outcome of their complaint to a headteacher; 11% were satisfied with the outcome of a complaint to their LA; 36% were satisfied with the outcome of a complaint to the LGO; and only 5% of parents were satisfied with the outcome of a complaint to the DfE. In addition, 56% of parents were accused of being 'unreasonably persistent' in pursuing their complaint, and 31% were referred to Social Services after making their complaint. NFIS is calling for a new independent, transparent & objective body to enable a fair complaints process across the education system. This body must be empowered to monitor practices and investigate complaints fully, with the legal authority to apply consequences if schools or local authorities behave illegally or misinterpret Government guidelines.
School refusal is usually characterised by off-the-scale anxiety. It can result from any number of underlying issues including bullying, an undiagnosed/ unsupported SEND or a mental health problem. Whilst the underlying issue can present significant challenges in itself, the resulting school refusal leaves families in crisis.
The decision to authorise absence lies with individual schools who are governed by legal duties, attendance targets and Ofsted goals as well as pupils' wellbeing. None of the current 23 attendance codes allows for a holding stage while the cause of school refusal is explored and appropriate support provided.
A new 'holding' code would start to measure the scale of this growing problem. It would ensure a consistent approach across all schools, support children until their problems can be addressed and alleviate families from the threat of prosecution for 'unauthorised' absence.
DownloadNFIS Parent Survey Results March 2020 (pdf)
DownloadNFIS Parent Survey Results May 2018 (pdf)
DownloadCovid-19-survey-report (pdf)
DownloadCovid-19-survey-summary (pdf)
DownloadNFIS Unauthorised absence codes report 2023 (pdf)
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